1. Lacerations on or near the eyelid or eye:
a. Do not apply pressure to the eyeball.
b. Cover BOTH eyes with a loose dressing.
c. Preserve avulsed parts in a clean plastic bag. Use moist gauze.
2. Foreign bodies:
a. Non-impaled: Cover BOTH eyes with loose dressing.
b. Impaled: DO NOT REMOVE - stabilize with a paper cup and bulky dressing (donut) if available. Protect otherwise. Cover unaffected eye.
3. Avulsed eye:
a. Cover with sterile moist dressings; use sterile saline, Ringer’s Lactate, or sterile water. Cover unaffected eye.
1. Chemical burns:
a. Irrigate copiously with tap water, saline, or Ringer’s Lactate as soon as possible, minimum of 2L.
1. Consider application of cardiac monitor due to potential involvement of cranial nerves with deep penetrating eye trauma. Treat lethal dysrhythmias concurrently.
2. Consider Pain Management Guidelines
1. Lacerations on or near the eyelid or eye:
a. Do not apply pressure to the eyeball.
b. Cover BOTH eyes with a loose dressing.
c. Preserve avulsed parts in a clean plastic bag. Use moist gauze.
2. Foreign bodies:
a. Non-impaled: Cover BOTH eyes with loose dressing.
b. Impaled: DO NOT REMOVE - stabilize with a paper cup and bulky dressing (donut) if available. Protect otherwise. Cover unaffected eye.
3. Avulsed eye:
a. Cover with sterile moist dressings; use sterile saline, Ringer’s Lactate, or sterile water. Cover unaffected eye.
1. Chemical burns:
a. Irrigate copiously with tap water, saline, or Ringer’s Lactate as soon as possible, minimum of 2L.
1. Consider application of cardiac monitor due to potential involvement of cranial nerves with deep penetrating eye trauma. Treat lethal dysrhythmias concurrently.
2. Consider Pain Management Guidelines